Crystal Meanings Explained

Labradorite- Labradorites' changing colors promote transformation and enhanced intuition. Labradorite also brings strength and protection against negativity.

Black Tourmaline- Black tourmaline brings protection and purification. Black tourmaline also cleanses thoughts, feelings, and anxiety.

Rainbow Moonstone- Rainbow moonstone brings awareness, growth, and hope. Rainbow moonstone can also boost confidence while strengthening creativity and compassion.

Blue Calcite- Blue Calcite is an emotional healing stone. Blue Calcite brings calming energies and helps with communication.

Selenite/ Satin Spar - Selenite/ Satin Spar cleanses and charges other crystals. Selenite can also cleanse auras and can be an emotional stabilizer.

Amazonite- Amazonite helps with communication and balancing energies. Amazonite can bring luck, success, and peace.

Green Aventurine- Green aventurine stimulates power and confidence. Green aventurine brings growth, abundance, and prosperity.

Amethyst- Amethyst is known as natural tranquilizer that activates spiritual awareness. Amethyst can bring stability, protection, and peace.

Tigers Eye- Tigers eye is a stone of grounding and protection. Tigers eye can bring good luck if worn and protects against negative energies.

Rose Quartz- Rose quartz is known as the love stone. It brings self-love, love towards others, trust, and emotional healing.

Carnelian- Carnelian brings vitality and motivation. Carnelian can be used to bring success, courage, and promote creativity and positivity.

Quartz- Quartz is known as the “master healer”. Quartz can amplify energy and clarify thought and emotions.

Garnet- Garnet helps with passion and and purifying energy. Garnet can also bring hope and inspire love.

Malachite- Malachite is a stone that brings emotional and mental growth. Malachite can help with clearing the mind and getting rid of unwanted emotions and energies.

Green Opal- Green Opal is a good stone for strengthening and healing relationships. Green Opal can also help in clearing the mind.

Blue Lace Agate- Blue Lace Agate can help with growth and strengthening communication. Blue Lace Agate is a grounding stone that can also bring stability and balance.

Spirit Quartz- Spirit Quartz helps align chakras as well as cleansing auras. Spirit Quartz can also protect from negative energy.

Celestite- Celestite can cleanse energies and help with balance. Celestite can also bring purity and peace.

Howlite- Howlite is a calming stone that helps with stress and releases bad energy. Howlite can also help with communication.

Zebra Calcite- Zebra Calcite is a grounding stone that helps with calming. Zebra Calcite can also increase balance and optimism.

Kambaba Jasper- Kambaba Jasper is known to bring clarity while bringing peace. Kambaba Jasper can also be calming and increase courage.

Blue Quartz- Blue Quartz helps with communication and insight. Blue Quartz can also bring insight and clarity to the mind.

Brown Jasper- Brown Jasper strengthens stability and and allows you to reconnect with nature. Brown Jasper is also a grounding stone.

Dalmatian Jasper- Dalmatian Jasper strengthens friendships and helps with balance. Dalmatian Jasper brings composure and positivity.

Caribbean Calcite- Caribbean Calcite is a calming stone that can also bring personal growth. Caribbean Calcite can alleviate stress and anxiety while helping with new beginnings.

Pink Mangano Calcite- Pink Mangano Calcite is a healing stone that can bring unconditional love. Pink Mangano Calcite can help with self confidence and help with accepting yourself and others.

Green Onyx- Green Onyx is a grounding stone that can bring happiness, positivity and stress relief. Green Onyx can help with stability and mental support during difficult times.

Septarian- Septarian helps with emotional healing while getting rid of negative energies. Septarian can bring strength and protection.

Moss Agate- Moss Agate can help with balance and growth. Moss agate can bring abundance and a chance at new beginnings.

Opalite- Opalite is a synthetic stone that helps with communication. Opalite can also help with bringing good energy and support.

Rhodonite- Rhodonite can help with healing and balancing emotions. Rhodonite works with the heart to bring love.

Bloodstone- Bloodstone is an all around stone that can help with healing, protection, and grounding. Bloodstone is great for getting rid of negative energy.

Ocean Jasper- Ocean Jasper brings protection and patience to relieve stress. Ocean Jasper also brings happiness while healing.

Obsidian- Obsidian is a protection stone that helps with focusing and growth. Obsidian also helps to ward off negative energies and stress.

Bumblebee Jasper Tumbled StoneBumblebee Jasper Tumbled Stone